Saturday, 31 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Laxmi Kumari, Ranchi ( उष्ट्रासन )

Name : Laxmi Kumari
District : Ranchi 
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : उष्ट्रासन
Detail about the Posture : लाभ - यह आसन पाचन और प्रजनन प्रणालियों के लिए लाभदायक है । जिन लोगों को पीठ में गंभीर तकलीफ हो उन्हें यह आसन नहीं करना चाहिए

Friday, 30 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Chand Nagpal, Ranchi ( Vrikshasana )

Name : Chand Nagpal 
District : Ranchi 
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Vrikshasana
Detail about the Posture : Tree pose is a balancing asana. 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Reena Vidyarthi, Ranchi ( उष्ट्रासन )

Name : Reena Vidyarthi 
District : Ranchi 
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id : reena.
Name of the Posture : उष्ट्रासन 
Detail about the Posture : यहां प्रजनन व पाचन प्रणाली को स्वस्थ करता है तथा मल निष्कासन में उपयोगी है. पीठ के दर्द,झुकी हुई मेरुदंड व थायराइड ग्रंथि की निष्क्रियता को दूर करने में यह सहायता करता है. 

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Anushka Bhadra, Ranchi ( Purnachakrasana )

Name : Anushka Bhadra
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : Indian
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Purnachakrasana
Detail about the Posture : Good health

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Laxmi Kumari, Ranchi ( पश्चिमोत्तानासन )

Name  : Laxmi Kumari
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : पश्चिमोत्तानासन
Detail about the Posture :
लाभ - यह लीवर , अग्नाशय , प्लीहा , गुर्दे और अधिवक्ता ग्रंथियों सहित पूरे उदार एवं श्रेणी प्रदेश को पुष्ट बनाता है। यह आसन स्लिप डिस्क , हर्निया या साइटिका वाले व्यक्ति को नहीं करना चाहिए।

Monday, 26 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Rakhi Verma, Ranchi ( Vrikshasana )

Name : Rakhi Verma
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Vrikshasana
Detail about the Posture : Vrikshasana or Tree Pose is a balancing asana. It is one of the very few standing poses in medieval hatha yoga, and remains popular in modern yoga as exercise. 

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Debasree Roy, Kolkata ( Vasisthasana )

Name : Debasree Roy
District : Kolkata
State : West Bengal
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Vasisthasana
Detail about the Posture : It is great at targeting your shoulders and building strength all around the shoulder joint, as well as in your biceps and triceps, your core, legs, and so much more.

Saturday, 24 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Supriya Mandal, Ranchi ( Bakasan )

Name : Supriya Mandal
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Bakasan
Detail about the Posture : It helps makes your wriests stronger.
Strengths shoulder stabillishers.
Spine is toned.
Helps to build confidence.
Bakasan is a balancing aasan. 

Yogic Posture of the day : Avinash Patel, Ranchi ( Veer Bhadrashana )

Name : Avinash Patel
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Veer Bhadrashana
Detail about the Posture : Virabhadrasana (Sanskrit: वीरभद्रासन; IAST: Vīrabhadrāsana) or Warrior Pose is a group of related lunging standing asanas in modern yoga as exercise commemorating the exploits of a mythical warrior, Virabhadra.

Thursday, 22 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Kartik Mahantesh Bellad, Karnataka ( Eka Janu Gora Vrikshasana )

Name : Kartik Mahantesh Bellad 
District : Belagavi 
State : Karnataka 
Country : India
Email Id : 
Name of the Posture : Eka Janu Gora Vrikshasana 
Detail about the Posture : Eka means single, Janu means knee, Gora means difficult, Vriksha means tree, Asana means posture.... so this diffecult asans resembles on single knee like a tree it is known as eka janu gora vrikshasana 

Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Ansh Raj, Ranchi ( Purn Bhujangasana )

Name : Ansh Raj
District : Ranchi
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Purn Bhujangasana
Detail about the Posture : Purna Bhujangasana

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Avinash Patel, Chatra ( Pincha Mayurashan )

Name  : Avinash Patel
District : Chatra
State : Jharkhand
Country : India
Email Id :
Name of the Posture : Pincha Mayurashan
Detail about the Posture : Pincha Mayurasana is an asana in which the performer assumes the pose of a feathered peacock (peacock that spans its feather). Therefore this asana is called Pincha Mayurasana or Feathered Peacock Pose. In this pose, the performer stands on the support of both his forearms, transferring the entire body weight on the forearms. Therefore it is also called as Forearm Stand Pose. 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Yogic Posture of the day : Shreyashi Upadhyay, Ranchi ( Virbhadrasan )

Name : Shreyashi Upadhyay 

District : Ranchi 

State : Jharkhand 

Country  : India 

Email Id  : 

Name of the Posture  : Virbhadrasan 

Detail about the Posture  : Virabhadra’s Pose is also known as the Warrior Pose. 
Veera - vigorous, warrior, courageous; Bhadra - good, auspicious; Asana - Posture 
This pose is named after Veerabhadra, a fierce warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. 

* Strengthens lower back, arms, and legs 
* Enhances the stamina of an individual 
* Strengthens ankles, shoulders, back, arm, calves and thighs 
* Backs off solidified shoulders 
* Discharge stress and worries relaxing our mind, body, and soul 
* Working on this posture improves all standing poses and hip openers Limitation:- People with high blood pressure and heart ailments should not attempt this Yoga posture.

Shankar Yoga & Meditation